JPDA 03-12
(Operator – ConocoPhillips (03-12) Pty Ltd)
Oil was discovered in February 1994 and the size of the oilfield was confirmed with the drilling of the Kakatua-1 well in December of the same year. Kakatua North-1 was discovered in January 1997.
Production started in July 1998, the first oil production within the JPDA. The target production rate of 32,500 barrels of oil per day was initially exceeded before production began a natural decline.
In early 2000, a sidetrack well from the Elang-1 was drilled and a work-over of the Elang-2 well was completed. Production at combined rates of more than 20,000 barrels of oil per day was subsequently achieved. EKKN is currently producing about 2,000 barrels of oil per day.
Cumulative production, through January 2007, was approximately 31.26 million barrels of light, low sulphur crude oil from an initial reserve of 33 million barrels.
EKKN has four wells with sub-sea completions connected to a Floating Production, Storage and Offloading facility (FPSO), the Modec Venture-1. Its storage capacity is 950,000 barrels of oil which is exported by shuttle tanker.